

Scarification is an essential treatment to mechanically remove the build-up of thatch and moss in your lawn. It will improve air and water penetration to the soil to allow the grass the thrive, leading to a greener healthy lawn.

Why do I need to scarify my lawn?

In short, to significantly improve the health and appearance of your lawn by removing thatch and moss. Thatch is a build-up of dead organic matter sitting above the soil surface. Over time, this layer increases to the point is will affect the grass health. It can’t be prevented but the good news is that we can remove it. Thatch will limit water, air and nutrients from reaching the soil and grassroots, which typically means your lawn will be less drought tolerant, likely to turn brown in hot Summer months and be prone to secondary issue of moss spreading on top of the thatch layer. Scarification is a vital process to help rectify these issues and typically needs doing every two years. 

Service Details

Scarifying a lawn

Our scarification service:

Lawn scarification explanation illustration

Using the best professional lawn care machinery, we can revive your lawn far more effectively than a DIY approach. Before our visit, we ask that you ideally cut your lawn short, which means we can get more thatch out of the lawn. We will go over the lawn multiple passes at different angles to ensure we get all the thatch out if doing a heavy scarify in Autumn. In Spring we may have to do a lighter scarify with a single pass, due to the sometimes drier and less favourable lawn recovery conditions. We will advise on the best method for your lawn. Scarification produces a lot of green waste which we always clear up and, whilst we encourage onsite recycling, we can arrange to have it collected by a licensed waste contractor at a separate charge. We will also only scarify as part of a renovation combination to include aeration and overseeding afterwards. 


We have the machinery and experience to scarify small to large lawns. 

Amazone ride on scarifier machine


When can we scarify?

Scarification is an invasive process for a lawn which is why we will only scarify when the grass is actively growing and when there is wet/warm weather, as it takes several weeks for the lawn to recover. Scarifying at other times, be it in hot dry or Winter conditions is just not suitable and may cause additional damage to your lawn. 

Lawn recovery after scarification:

Your lawn is likely to look worse after the scarify but rest assured it will improve leaving a more healthy and lush looking lawn. We advise 8-12 week's lawn recovery time and to water the lawn regularly unless there is a lot of regular rain. We may recommend overseeding and top dressing after the scarification, as it gives improved results for a greener, lush lawn. 

This service is offered in addition to our lawncare services, contact us for more information

How can I get this service?

This service is available:
In a lawncare packge

Service Summary

When: Early Autumn is best followed by mid Spring.
Why: Removes thatch & moss, prunes certain grass types, allowing the the lawn to thrive.
Other services that can be applied at the same time:
Fertiliser, Aeration, over seeding and top dressing.
What is applied: Nothing is applied as this we use a machine for the scarification.

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