
Lawn Renovation services, particularly scarification, produce a large volume of green waste, typically made up of thatch and moss. Green waste removal is not included in the quoted service price but can be arranged and charged separately on completion of the job.
Please let us know which of the following option you would like to arrange.
Option 1: Your Compost Pile. We move the green waste to a nearby, safe and accessible compost pile on your property. No charge for this. Please note we are not able to place the green waste on nearby locations to your property that is not owned by you, for instance common land or woodland.
Option 2: Loan Bags & you dispose. We place the green waste into our loan 1m3 bulk bags and you arrange the further disposal of the green waste. No charge for this but we will require our loan bags back in good condition to be collected within 3 months. Any shortages or damaged bags will be charged to you at £10.00 (inc VAT) per bag. If the green waste is damp or wet when renovating we may not be able to fully fill a bulk bag as it can be too heavy to safely move. The bags can only be moved to an area near to the lawn that is safe and accessible for our staff.
Option 3: We supply the bags & you dispose. We place the green waste into 1m3 bulk bags supplied by Lawn Tiger, charged at £10.00 (inc VAT) per bag, and you arrange the further disposal of the green waste. If the green waste is damp or wet when renovating we may not be able to fully fill a bulk bag as it can be too heavy to safely move. The bags can only be moved to an area near to the lawn that is safe and accessible for our staff.
Option 4: Collection of Green Waste. We place the green waste in our 1m3 bulk bags and arrange collection by a licensed waste contractor for recycling. The charge for this will be £60.00 (inc VAT) per full or part full 1m2 bulk bag and invoiced by Lawn Tiger to you separately. The price may be subject to change and we will ensure you are notified in advance if that happens. If the green waste is damp or wet when renovating we may not be able to fully fill a bulk bag as it can be too heavy to safely move. The exact price is not possible to confirm in advance, but typically every 100m2 of lawn may fill one or two 1m3 bulk bags (so a 100m2 lawn price could be £60-£120). The filled bags need to be placed in an accessible location on your property for the waste contractor to collect (a driveway for instance).
Option 5: Skip: Typically for lawns 400m2 and over, where there is no composting space on site for the green waste, we can also arrange one or more skips, subject to safe and suitable site access. A specific quote will be sent to you in advance of the lawn renovation work for this option.
Where we need to use a ride-on scarifier collector machine to perform the scarifying, we will need to dispose of the green waste in a safe, easily accessible, nearby compost pile or skip. We can’t place ride-on machine collected waste into bags. We will notify you in advance if this is necessary for your lawn renovation.
Before your lawn renovation day we will contact you by email to make firm arrangements for the green waste. If you have any questions on the meantime please let us know on [email protected] or call 01293 974358. Thanks.
We’re always happy to help. You can call us on 01293 974358 or email [email protected]
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