
Aftercare Advice

Lawn Renovation Services:

Our Advice

Before we visit

  • Cut lawn to a height lower than normal, ideally very short.
  • Ensure all items are removed from the lawn.
  • Clear all items along the access to your lawn.

After we visit

Aftercare Advice: Lawn Renovation Services

Thank you for taking our Lawn Renovation Services. To get the expected and best results please take time to read the following advice*. The aftercare will need to be done by you but it’s not difficult and we are happy to help with any queries.

You can download a printable pdf version of this advice here. 


Watering: this is the important bit!

  • To get seed to grow it will need your help with watering on a “little and often” approach.
  • Use a sprinkler and hose to water. Don’t use a hand held hose attachment as you won’t apply enough water evenly and might wash the seed away too.  We advise to have a sprinkler setup & tested in advance of the planned renovation date.
  • Water early morning or evening to make best use of the water applied.
  • Keep the soil surface and seed moist for 3+ weeks. Once you can see a lot of small green shoots you can reduce how often you water but don’t let the soil dry out. 
  • It’s not possible to define the exact amount of time or how many times per day to water. As a rough guide, plan to water twice per day for 15-30 minutes each area where the sprinkler covers, with additional watering in dry and/or warm weather.
  • If you see water puddling, stop and allow it to drain away. Be careful you don’t overwater and wash the seed away. 
  • If it rains you may still have to water. Check the soil for moisture each day to ensure you are not over or under watering. Is the soil damp to the touch (ok) or hard and dry (not ok)? If dry, water more often or for longer each time.
  • Please note, morning dew on the lawn is not a substitute for watering. 


Using the lawn:

Stay off the lawn as much as possible for the first month. It’s ok to go on the lawn to move the sprinkler. Be gentle, the young grass is delicate with shallow roots. 


Items/Leaves on lawn:

Keep the lawn clear of any items, especially leaves. They will block light and kill the grass, leading to bare patches. Use a leaf blower on a low setting, once the seed has germinated, or a plastic leaf rake but be gentle.


Lawn Mowing:

Cut the lawn when the grass is 5cm to 6 cm tall and the soil is firm to walk on. Make sure your mower blades are sharp to ensure a clean cut. Use a wheeled rotary mower for the first few cuts, rather than a heavy roller/cylinder mower. 


Lawn grass coverage:

It’s normal for renovated/overseeded lawn to look thin for a few months (allow 6+ months). A mix of normal seasonal weather, regular mowing and our annual lawn treatments will all help. A single 2mm grass shoot can occupy up to 10cm diameter when it’s mature. A lawn renovated in Spring can take until late Autumn or later to thicken up and vice versa. 



New weeds may appear, which is normal. Our Annual Treatment Plan includes a weed treatment late Spring and Summer. We have to wait 2 months after the new grass has appeared before spraying any new weeds. New grass is fragile and can be damaged by weed spraying,


Visit lawntiger.co.uk/shop for sprinklers and seed. If you have any queries, please do get in touch. 01293 974358 or [email protected]

*Please note Lawn Tiger Ltd cannot accept any responsibility for the aftercare or our valued customers not following the guidance provided. 

If you have any queries, please do get in touch.

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