
Lawn Weed Treatment

Weeds will start to grow, in your lawn between Spring and early Autumn with favourable, warmer wet weather. As weeds compete for space with grass they can quickly take over and run the appearance of your lawn.

Our treatment is designed to safely target broadleaf lawn weeds. This far more effective than anything available in garden centres or DIY stores. Importantly, we have completed specific training and certification that’s legally required to buy and safely apply professional weed control products. We are also voluntary accredited to the Government backed BASIS Lawn Assured Scheme – meaning we operate to the highest standards for safety. 

It can take more than one weed treatment to tackle heavily infested lawns but we are confident in our service that it will reduce weeds on every application. ​​It will typically take 2-3 weeks for weeds to show visible signs of the treatment and will naturally break down or disappear from the lawn with regular mowing over subsequent weeks. 

We can only treatment weeds a certain times of the year. The products we use are very good but we have to comply with the legal requirements. The products do not work when weeds are not strongly growing so we time the treatments for late Spring/early Summer as the ideal time, with spot spraying individual weeds over Summer and Autumn, where possible. 

Service Details

Lawn Weed Treatment

How is it applied:

We use a professional sprayer to apply the correct dose on calm days, ideally in dry conditions. If it's too windy or wet we will need to reschedule the treatment. If your lawn is infested with weeds, we may need to blanket spray the entire lawn on the first treatment but will plan to spot treat weeds ongoing. 

Key information:

  • The Lawn Weed Treatment is separately chargeable and typically done on the same visit as the Early Summer Lawn Feed. For customers joining later in the year, the Lawn Weed Treatment will be done alongside the Summer or Autumn Lawn Feed visits and charged separately.
  • Safe for children and pets but we advise to stay off the treated area for 2 hours or until it's visibly dry. Please read the more detailed FAQ on this subject. 
  • We recommend any grazing pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, etc are kept off treated lawn areas until the weeds have physically disappeared.
  • If you plan to compost grass clippings, do so for at least 6 months before using the compost elsewhere in your garden. 
  • Considerably more effective than any products available in garden centres or DIY stores
  • Lawn safe - does not impact the grass. 
  • Majority of existing weeds typically will show signs of being impacted within 3 weeks with twisted, distorted growth or curled bowing/blackened leaves. We can't guarantee to kill off all weeds on the first treatment but you will see a considerable improvement.
  • Some problem weeds may need a further application 3-6 months later. We will identify and let you know of any difficult weeds. 
  • Grass can become more healthy and denser without weeds.
  • Improves lawn appearance
  • Reduces opportunity for further weeds or moss to take hold in the lawn

This service is offered in addition to our lawncare services, contact us for more information

How can I get this service?

This service is available:
In a lawncare packge

Service Summary

When: May - October. Free top up weed spot treatment in our Summer and/or Autumn Lawn Feed treatments (weather and lawn conditions being suitable)
Why: Controls lawn weeds and provides addition nutrients to allow grass to flourish and improve its health and appearance.
Other services that can be applied at the same time:
Late Spring Lawn Feed, Summer Lawn Feed, Autumn Lawn Feed
What is applied: Liquid herbicide (weed killer) safe for use on lawns.
The Lawn Weed Treatment is separately chargeable and typically done on the same visit as the Early Summer Lawn Feed. For customers joining later in the year, the Lawn Weed Treatment will be done alongside the Summer or Autumn Lawn Feed visits and charged separately.

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